Sunday, August 10, 2008
Woot! Time for UPDATES!!!
Hee it's our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY! Hee.. Actually it was on the 17th June!
Xiang Zi was a little late that day because he went to get a rose for me! Woot! SO SWEET! =D
That's me and my sweet rose from Xiang Zi!
And it's me and Xiang Zi! This picture is so nice! haha
On that day we went to watch a movie and went shopping around! Hee!
We got ourselves a pair of rings! It's really nice! On mine his name 'Xiang' was engraved on the outside of the ring! And my name 'Jin' was engraved on the outside of his ring! AHHH So happy! =D Can really see it from this picture though.. haha~
Now the fun part is coming!!!
We went on a mini bus and the journey began~
And i had to score MAX COMBO for DJ MAX before we can continue.. haha! Nah.. Actually we were just playing~ LOL! IM SO PRO! =D
And finally we alighted! OMG! Where is this place!!! T_T
What is Xiang Zi trying to do ne.. Mmmm.. LOL
Wah got Wayang somemore!
Ta-Dah!!! We're at the Night Safari! Woot! Wahaha!!
Here are the tickets! Hee.. Thanks LuLu for bringing me to Night Safari on our One Year Anniversary!!! It's a really COOL and SPECIAL way to celebrate ne! :D:D:D I'll always remember de!! hee~
Xiang zi with a black man!!! hahaha!!!
We went to have our dinner inside the Night Safari~ Look how big the Stingray is!!!! OMG~ And it's supposed to be one person portion.. Looks more like 2 persons portion!!!
It's 2 times bigger than my face ne..
We're happily eating away~~~~~~
Haiz it's really too much le.. Cannot finish~~~~~
Hee then went in to see all the animals!!! Actually it's my FIRST time going to Night Safari.. I totally had no idea how it's going to be like.. I thought the tigers, lions, cheetahs etc are all allowed to wander around without being caged up.. So the whole while i kept clinging onto Xiang Zi~~~ T_T I thought the tigers will suddenly jump out from the bushes to eat us.... SO SCARY!!
Look!!! The tiger!!!!
And the LEOPARD!!!
Hee.. Actually there's a piece of glass in between us! So it's totally safe! We were really lucky that the leopard came near to the glass!! Woot! haha..
Here's the porcupine!!! It's really big ne! =D
Look what we found! The Ming Fu Qi SHi de MUGGER!!!
So sorry i din dare to take picture of the real thing cos i would have to put my phone out into the cage.. I was afraid it might drop~~~~~~ Hahaha.. PHOBIA~ T_T
Hee actually most of the pictures were taken by Xiang Zi~ Xiang Zi must update soon and show picture!!! hee~
A picture taken outside the Night Safari~~~
Hee I was so happy that day!!! Thanks LULU~!!! Today is Xiang Zi's first day of school! I know it's going to be tough for you.. but we Ganbate together kk!!! Hee :D:D:D JIAYOU!!!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008 Ahaha! Im back! See the bag so big and heavy! A LOT OF MENTOS!! So sorry we were so engrossed in the match and there was a malay woman sitting near us, she was too noisy tt we forgot to take picture of the match~ haha.. Anyways Singapore lost~ Saudi Arabia 2 and Singapore 0~ It's the first time I went to watch LIVE soccer match and Singapore din even score a goal for me to cheer~ T_T Hee kk~ That's all folks! Will update again soon! =D
Tuesday, June 17, 2008 Hi all! Beyond the glass display are the laboratories! Cool rite? All glass one.. Even the offices are made of glass walls. But it's also very dangerous~ During my attachment one of the glass walls broke cos of the temperature changes I think. Actually it happened quite a few times le. So think twice if you're thinking of furnishing ur homes with glass in future o! We could feel the heat even from this distance during the 'burst' of the fire! haha.. Anyways the ones sitting in front are my uncles~ The one on the right (my 5th uncle) is very funny de and he can drive really fast! LOL! After the whole ritual we had to snatch the coins which were on the dragon! In the end i think we were playing with the sand also. Haha Kk I'll end here i guess. Will update again SOON!!!!! :D:D:D
So fast right~ It's just to make it looks like i blogged a lot! Wahaha.. To start off i just wanna intro a rather new song~ It's called Prisoner of Love by Utada Hikaru.
If you're watching Last Friend, a new Japanese drama, you'll definitely be very familiar with this song! Anyways the drama is also quite nice. It's very 'real'. It talks about problems anyone would have faced. Things you probably wont talk to people readily about. Like, you're in love with your best friend but you're both girls, have a phobia of sex, being abused by ur boyfriend but you're still so in love with him that you cant leave him etc. It's due to these facts that made the relationships between the characters very complex. In the drama, each of them kept thinking something along this line, "If only I knew what was going through your mind." That's life i guess.. haha~ Havent finished the drama but quite a lot of people like the drama! My cousin Xiang Da got act in it o! (See previous post: Nishikido Ryo!! LOL) He's the boyfriend who abused his gf. He's like.. SO SCARY! T_T Lucky Xiang zi not like tt! He's the best le!! WOOT! See! he looks so approachable and cute!!!!!=D
Xiang zi and me went to IMM to watch the superband contestants perform~ Then they got this Q&A session! Got prize de kk! haha cos the sponsors are Mentos and Nu Teen~ So Xiang zi got a BAG of mentos! Like one year supply lo! hahaha~ And some facial products too! =D
See xiang zi in action! Sorry it's a bit blur cos i stand too far le! T_T
Bao li said i look fake in this picture~ >.<
Nice picture!! :D:D:D
At the end of my attachment i treat Xiang zi to Ding Tai Fung~ Im supposed to treat him after getting my first pay de~ hahaha so sorry i had to drag till the end.. hee
My favorite XIAO LONG BAO!!!!!
Xiang zi drinking tea!
Me eating~ >.<
As usual we forgot to take picture of our food before we start eating~ LOL
Xiang zi demonstrating the art of eating Xiao Long BAO!!!!
First you hafta bite the top~
OOPS~ Bite too hard le! haha.. The xiao long bao cold le tt's why like tt~ At least he still got the soup in the spoon! LOL
Oh we also went CLUBBING! haha.. Nah! We're at the Suntec fountain there~ Camwhoring!
Snapshots of the fountain show!
Really look like we go clubbing~ LOL
14th June! Today xiang zi went to get his new phone!!! NOKIA 6500! Before that he went to get his hair cut! Very SHUAI rite?! WOOT! We went to Swensons cos we got a $5 voucher after he got his phone from M1.. haha!
Then we went to watch soccer match at Kallang stadium!!! So COOL! Singapore VS Saudi Arabia!
Pictures of the substitutes warming up~ haha
Xiang zi with his new hair cut!!! SHUAI! =D
Just a small update here! heh.. In case you all dunno, I was doing my attachment and i finished my attachment on the 6th June 2008! Phew.. It was quite tiring but fun and fufilling attachment though.. hee cant tell you all what I did exactly cos it's all confidential stuff. Haha! All in all I kept working on fabric softeners and detergent powders~
Here's some pictures of my workplace. It looks kinda cool cos all glass de!
It's the back of the glass display of shower gels, soaps etc
A part of my desk and that's the spongebob water bottle Xiang Zi bought for me for my bdae o!!!
My desk! The printer is not in use one~ They dun have place to put the printer so they left in on my desk~ LOL
The view outside of my window! Nice scenery~ =/
My grandma passed away recently. We had to go back to malaysia to attend the funeral.
That's ah pei and my cousin Xiang da! He looks a bit like Nishikido Ryo from NEWS i think~haha..
Nishikido Ryo! And here's a picture of the dragons made out of sand! Then they spray the dragon using paints~ Looks very cool rite? It's supposed to symbolise a legend abt a guy trying to break through the hell to save his mother. Cant remember the name le.. hee.. And we put coins on the 'scale' of the dragon~
My masterpiece~
And at night they have this ritual where they set a fire in between the dragons
27 January 1986
YangZheng Primary School
Cedar Girls' Secondary
Anderson Junior College
Nanyang Technological University